You don't need to be a Marine Renewables Canada member to have your company included in our supply chain database. This form will provide us with the information we need to create a basic listing for your business. Want a more complete company profile? Consider becoming an MRC member for additional benefits and more a comprehensive company listing.
Marine Renewables Canada’s Supply Chain Database features Canadian-based businesses and organizations with capabilities for servicing and supporting wave, tidal, and river current energy development.
The database was designed as a tool to support industry growth by connecting Canada’s expertise with project development needs locally, nationally, and internationally.
Launched in late 2016, it is a work in progress and does not yet include all of the suppliers throughout Canada that could apply expertise and services to the marine renewable energy sector.
We invite all businesses and organizations with relevant capabilities to join this database and help us grow Canada’s marine renewable energy industry. (Please note that this is a database intended to host Canadian suppliers. Businesses and organizations who are interested in joining the database must have a Canadian-based office.)
Please provide the following information about your company. A representative from Marine Renewables Canada will review your application and get in touch.
The information provided below will be used to create an account where you can manage your company's details. (Note: If you’d like to connect additional members from your organization to this account, please contact Marine Renewables Canada staff.)