Strait of Canso Superport Corporation

The Strait of Canso Superport Corporation owns and operates two marine facilities in the Strait of Canso: the Mulgrave Marine Terminal and the Port Hawkesbury Pier. The Strait Superport was formed in 1997 as a non-profit organization, governed by a volunteer Board of Directors that represents diverse interests in the Strait of Canso region.

The Strait Superport strives to globally promote the benefits of the Strait of Canso as the port of choice for moving product to and from North American markets. We continue to pursue new ways to expand our business and infrastructure that will in turn sustain our local marine industry and nearby communities. 

The Strait of Canso is one of the best deep-water, ice-free ports on the east coast of North America. The Strait Superport is proud to be an advocate for the local marine services industry — and a catalyst for economic growth in the Strait area. Our partners and stakeholders share our vision of making the Strait Port second-to-none in the shipping and marine services space.

Service Provided:
  • Port Facilities
  • Marine trades & operations
Markets served:
  • Renewable Energy
  • Other energy