Members | SAMS Enterprise

SAMS Enterprise

SAMS Enterprise is a specialist marine consultancy providing innovative, niche and environmentally sound services and products underpinned by cutting edge science for clients.​

Our team consists of environmental consultants, project managers, technical product specialists and support staff.​

Through its parent, the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS). SAMS Enterprise has access to a community of over 150 staff, including a population of over 90 specialist scientific researchers, all of whom are respected in their fields and some of whom are regarded as global authorities.  This pool of expertise encompasses the breadth of scientific investigation in the marine environment, from ecology and microbiology to mathematical modelling, from seabed geology through to social sciences and food safety studies for the aquaculture industry.  SAMS also offers analyses conducted by specialist, highly skilled technical support staff, enabling the provision of bespoke service packages to clients.  These services build on accurate and precise scientific equipment operated to a certified standard (ISO 17025), but also including expert taxonomists, chemists and IT professionals.​

SAMS Enterprise combines this research capability with expertise in project management, consultancy and quality management (ISO 9001:2015) providing clients with bespoke, robust science-based solutions and products across sectors.

Service Provided:
  • Metocean
  • Desktop and Feasibility Studies
  • Data Analysis
  • Ocean Technology
  • Professional Services
  • Environmental Services
  • Geophysical
  • Site Characterization (Environmental and Geo-data)
  • Geotechnical
Markets served:
  • Renewable Energy