Ocean Technology Council of Nova Scotia (OTCNS)
The information provided in this profile was gathered from open-source research by Marine Renewables Canada staff. It may be out-of-date or inaccurate. If you wish to report an inaccuracy, or if you represent this organization, please get in touch with us.
The Ocean Technology Council of Nova Scotia (OTCNS) is an industry association representing the ocean technology and industry sector in Nova Scotia.
The mandate of the Council is to advance economic opportunities for Nova Scotia’s ocean technology companies. Ocean Technology in this instance is being defined as marine related technologies that cross a number of classical vertical industry sectors like defence, marine renewable energy, offshore oil and gas, ocean observation technologies etc. OTCNS acts as a facilitator, linking members to each other and to government partners. Our purpose is to identify, promote and support the development of opportunities for our member companies and to the sector as a whole. We accomplish this through member activities, learning sessions, workforce retention and training activities, supplier development events, strategic advocacy with respect to domestic and international supply chain opportunities, innovation and productivity improvement. In addition OTCNS actively promotes Ocean Technology related careers as a career choice for Nova Scotia youth by engaging with primary, secondary, tertiary educational institutions, appropriate NGO and Government partners and stakeholders. Our members are comprised of dynamic, export-driven small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) delivering world-class advanced technologies and services.
OTCNS is a key resource for Nova Scotia businesses to access information on ocean technology related procurement, business and academic linkages.
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